Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Pheww!! We are finally off to Kazakhstan!

After a few very stressful days in which Mike caught a bronchial cold, it was finally confirmed to us today that all the paperwork expected at the Kazakh Consulate in D.C. has been received, our Kazakh passports and visas are on their way to us, and our adoption agency called us to let us know we will definitely leave this Friday, at 6 pm, on our much-awaited trip. Hooray!!!! The kids are very excited, and they are jumping for joy and thinking about their new sister Sofia. They are very much wanting to play with her. For now, here is a photo of Alex and Dominique as they wait patiently for their little sister. . .

This is it for now, as we must finish our packing. Thanks for all the wonderful support we have received (Judy, thanks for the adorable card you sent us! The kids loved it!). The next posting will come from Kazakhstan. We won't arrive until Sunday night, so hopefully by Monday or Tuesday we will be settled in and ready to post on this blog. We will be exhausted because K'stan is about 12 hours ahead, but we will survive. Keep in touch!. . .