A Magical Time!
Christmas day was truly magical! With a new baby in the house, things took on a much more festive feel. Christmas morning came with joy, and Sofia truly enjoyed herself. She loves her soft Elmo, Teddy Bear, and all the other fun and musical toys. She mostly adored helping her brother and sister rip open their presents, though. There is something about ripping open a package that must be therapeutic because most babies so enjoy that activity!!
The Season did not start on a very happy note, though. We insisted on taking a photo with Santa, and Sofia just couldn't understand why it was necessary to sit on the lap of a strange man with a white beard, especially after countless lessons on not talking to strangers, much less sitting on their laps. I tried to explain to her that Santa was different, and to " . . . better watch out, better not cry. . ." because Santa would then bring her presents, but to a 17-month old, it was all to no avail (as expected!). She just screamed her little head off!!
Sofia continues to grow, and is a very happy baby. She now insists on imitating the sounds of most words we throw her way. It is very cute to hear! She will be speaking in no time. We also enrolled her in a 'Music to Grown On' class for toddlers, and she loves dancing to the guitar and piano which are played by Ms. Livia. She also enjoys listening to music at home and wiggling her little bottom. In the Baby House there was a caregiver who constantly sang in Russian to the children while at play, including what sounded like Operas. So from early on Sofia has listened to music and seems to enjoy it very much. Following are some more fun Christmas photos from Sofia's perspective!
"I was told we have a tradition of building a gingerbread house every year before Christmas. This one ONLY took 4 1/2 hours!! Phew!!!"
"OK, the deal is: I get to open and rip up these packages or I'll throw a fit, alright????" "OK, then, here we go. . .This one is for Alex from Santa. . . .!"
"Oh, did you want to hold my Elmo??"
"Don't EVEN think about it!!!"
"Ok, everybody, it's time to get into the spirit of Christmas, so sing with me: " Jingle bells, jingle bells. . . ."