Friday, June 16, 2006

Sofia's First Steps!!!

Yesterday was another very interesting day, and once again full of surprises! We started the day by visiting our baby girl at the B.H., and, oh boy, did she surprise us!! Two days ago we introduced shoes to her -- I purchased some cute ones at the Green Market. We put them on her feet, and she was not a happy camper! There was some whimpering, a disapproval scowl, and some staring in disbelief at her covered feet. Yesterday she was much more accepting of them, but decided that perhaps it was a tasty morsel and proceeded to chew on them. She has some serious oral fixation going and nothing stands a chance at this point!!

Then we introduced her to her new 'baby'. Dominique has a baby that is similar and which she has loved and adored and which has kept her company at night (at home or elsewhere) for the last 7 years of her life, so we decided that Sofia needed one. She is really funny and every time she sees that baby she loves to plunge into it, head first, and seems to really enjoy the baby's softness.

Later in the morning, she decided she had enough of us and the constant on-your-face attention (Alex especially will not leave her alone and squishes her, kisses her, and dotes on her every minute we are there!), and got up and started walking away. Just like that!! She had been standing for periods of time by herself, but had never actually taken steps. She took all of 6 of them and fell on her bottom. We were able to capture those steps and it was very fun to have been there to witness this!!

Meanwhile, Sofia really has warmed up to Sandy and Helen, and she will often crawl over to their side of the room to be held by either of them. She loves Grandma Helen's hugs!! It's really cute to watch!

Then, as if our day wasn't interesting enough, when we arrived home, after lunch, our coordinator approached us to tell us that the Judge had once again changed the ruling and that I was to stay in Kostanai for the 2-week appeal period, and NOT go to Almaty. So, the saga continues over here. . . . and never a dull moment!!! Rules and regulations change constantly, and have we learned a lesson on flexibility!! I had already accepted going to Almaty for 3 weeks and was starting to look forward to the change of pace, to the new hotel with AConditioning and more amenities, and to the bigger city, even if by myself -- and then, BOOM, I am now stuck here for two full weeks!! What can I say -- we are stunned. But, it is what it is, and this is where I'll be with our Baby Sofia, to be followed by our flight to Almaty and another week there before we leave for the USA.

So, those are the current news from Central Asia, folks!! Now I just have to find some quieter hotel somewhere, hopefully nicer, and have to finalize my baby shopping and I'm set to go. Today I bought the stroller and some more 'stuff'. Tomorrow will be diapers, bottles, baby food, diaper bag, etc. etc. Talk to you tomorrow, but in case it's not possible for some reason, remember that Monday is the Big Day of Court with the Judge! Please think positive thoughts and pray that Sofia becomes our daughter, and that Karina becomes Sandy's daughter! Thanks and hugs to all!!